Increased inflammation and CV disease have been associated with lower total cholesterol (TC) and low density lipoprotein (LDL-C) levels in RA patients – an apparent paradox to what is observed in the general population. Previously, reduced high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C) levels have been associated with increased risk of CV, and an inverse relationship observed with levels of HDL-C level and C-reactive protein (CRP).This analysis of the literature with regard to studies using DMARDs in RA patie...

March 2016

Tofacitinib or adalimumab versus placebo: patient-reported outcomes from a phase 3 study of active rheumatoid arthritis

Strand et al. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2016 Feb 29. doi:pii: kev442. [Epub ahead of print]

RA not only affects the physical aspects of a patient’s health but also has an impact on the psychological well-being causing a significant disease burden. This paper reports on the patient-reported outcomes (PROs) from the ORAL Standard study. This study investigated tofacitinib 5mg BID, 10mg BID, adalimumab vs. placebo over 12 months with a primary endpoint at month 3. All treatment groups showed significant improvements over placebo in HAQ-DI, PtGA and Pain with LSM changes in baseline sustai...

January 2016

Tofacitinib is an oral Janus kinase inhibitor for the treatment of RA. By modulating the signalling of cytokines that are integral to lymphocyte activation, proliferation, and function, tofacitinib may suppress multiple elements of immune response. A systematic literature search including all biologics and tofacitinib procured 66 RCTs and 22 LTEs that were included in a meta-analysis to provide estimated incidence rates, risk ratios, and risk differences of serious infection for each therapy. Es...