The results of the meta-analysis show that TNFi, IL-17i, and JAK inhibitor treatments significantly improved sacroiliac joint SPARCC scores in patients with axSpA or AS at Weeks 12–16. However, there were no significant differences in mean improvement between the treatment groups.

This systematic literature review and network meta-analysis provides evidence for bimekizumab being an efficacious option in the management of both b/tsDMARD-naïve and experienced patients across the axSpA spectrum, with similar safety and tolerability to existing treatments.

In this study, Eder, et al. performed a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of RCTs to assess information on participants’ characteristics and rates of American College of Rheumatology response and minimal disease activity by sex. The authors found that the biological sex of patients with PsA influences their response to advanced therapies, but the effect varies by drug class.


September 2023

Findings from post hoc analyses extend the knowledge base for radiographic benefits of filgotinib in patients with RA.

August 2023

Differential Properties of Janus Kinase Inhibitors in the Treatment of Immune-mediated Inflammatory Diseases

Rheumatology (Oxford) 2023;63(2):298–308 doi 10.1093/rheumatology/kead448

JAKis differ in structure, which affects their inhibitory concentration for different JAKs.

This review by Taylor, et al. compares the pharmacological profiles of JAKis, including abrocitinib, baricitinib, filgotinib, peficitinib, tofacitinib, and upadacitinib.

This meta-analysis by Wei, et al. found that JAKi therapy was not associated with a higher risk of MACE than treatment with adalimumab, abatacept, or placebo. However, a higher incidence of all-cause mortality was observed with tofacitinib treatment than with adalimumab treatment.

July 2023

This systematic review identified DMARDs evaluated for axSpA and PsA, distinguishing between csDMARDs, tsDMARDs, and bDMARDs. The review pinpointed twenty-six distinct targeted therapies currently in clinical development; 18 therapies for axSpA and 15 therapies for PsA.


This review by Taylor, et al. reviews the long-term safety and efficacy data for baricitinib. Results from several studies showed that baricitinib has greater efficacy and survival compared to TNF inhibitors, and that the rate of CDAI <10 for baricitinib-treated RA patients increased over the course of seven years. Data also showed that remission rates were higher in real-world evidence than in RCTs.

June 2023

This real-world study showed that sustained BASDAI <3 may be a valid and feasible target for a treat-to-target strategy in AxSpA, having function as treatment goal.


The study demonstrated that obesity is a factor that could play a role in treatment decision-making in people living with inflammatory arthritis (IA). It appears that efficacy of TNFi is affected by patients’ weight/BMI in all forms of IA, while this is not the case for TCZ and ABA in RA, as well for IL-17 and IL-23 inhibitors in PsA.
