This network meta-analysis, performed within a Bayesian framework, concluded that tofacitinib 5 mg BID has efficacy and AE rates comparable with currently available bDMARDs over a 24-week period in patients experiencing an inadequate response to TNF therapy. A systematic literature search identified five, Phase 2 or beyond, randomised controlled trials for inclusion in the analysis. Each trial had an adult population with moderate to severe RA, with inadequate response (IR) or failed treatment w...
Treatment options for RA patients who are MTX/DMARD incomplete responders (IR) include other DMARDs, biologics or tofacitinib (TOF). However, there is a lack of direct head-to-head comparator trials of biologics in people with RA. This review provides an update of the 2009 Cochrane overview, ‘Biologics for rheumatoid arthritis’,1 and provides comparisons and estimates for biologic or TOF monotherapy in MTX/DMARD-IR people with RA.The benefits and harms of biologic monotherapy (TNFis: adalimumab,...

October 2016

Further evidence is presented that treatment with tofacitinib improves patient-reported outcomes (PROs), in addition to improving underlying disease activity.Data were analysed from the Phase 3 ORAL Sync 12-month randomised controlled trial in adult patients with active RA and previous inadequate response to ≥1 conventional or biologic DMARD(s). Patients received (4:4:1:1) TOF 5mg or 10mg BID or Placebo advanced to 5 mg or10 mg BID plus conventional DMARD(s).PROs assessed at Month 3 were: Patien...

July 2016

Romatoid Artrit ve Psöriazisin TOF Güvenlik Veritabanlarında Gebelik Sonuçları

Drug Saf. 2016 June 9; 39:755–762; DOI 10.1007/s40264-016-0431-z [Epub ahead of print]

RA and psoriasis may present in women of child-bearing potential, however there are currently no adequate or well-controlled studies of tofacitinib (TOF) or any DMARD in pregnant women. Pregnancy was an exclusion criterion of TOF randomized clinical trials because of the unknown effects of TOF on mother and child; TOF is a small molecule with the potential to cross the placenta. The current analysis looked at reported pregnancies and their outcomes from TOF RA and psoriasis clinical safety datab...

Romatoid Artrit HastalarındaAdalimumab Tedavisinden Tofacitinib’e Geçiş

Arthritis Research & Therapy. 2016. DOI 10.1186/s13075-016-1049-3 [Epub ahead of print]

Results are reported from an analysis exploring the safety and efficacy of open-label tofacitinib (TOF) following blinded treatment with TOF or adalimumab (ADA) in patients with moderate to severe RA. The analysis included patients from ORAL Sequel, an open-label long-term extension study, which all patients entered following ORAL Standard (one of the studies in the TOF phase 3 program). Only those patients who had been randomized to ADA 40 mg Q2W + MTX or 10 mg TOF + MTX in ORAL Standard were i...
Treatment options for RA patients who are MTX/DMARD incomplete responders (IR) include other DMARDs, biologics or tofacitinib (TOF). However, there is a lack of head-to-head studies to show any important differences between these options in terms of benefits and harms. This review provides an update of the 2009 Cochrane overview and network meta-analysis (NMA) of biologics for RA.1Nine biologics (abatacept, adalimumab, anakinra, certolizumab pegol, etanercept, golimumab, infliximab, rituximab, a...
Historically, patients with RA have suffered with upper tract gastrointestinal perforation (GIPs), associated with NSAID use. More recently, the IL-6 receptor antagonist tocilizumab (TCZ) has been associated with lower tract GIPs. Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors, including tofacitinib (TOF), with some downstream effects on IL-6 signalling, also have potential for an increased risk of GIPs.There is limited real-world evidence and almost no comparative evidence on the risk for GIP associated with TC...

May 2016

This study analyzes data from two US claims databases between November 2012 and June 2014. It was designed to build upon knowledge from tofacitinib Phase 3 clinical trials providing clinical insights from independent sources on treatment patterns and costs for tofacitinib. Data were collected from 337 patients in the Truven Marketscan (TM) and 118 patients in the Optum Clinformatics (OC) databases. In this early experience cohort for tofacitinib, approximately 75% of patients had previously rece...
Herpes Zoster (HZ) complications can cause considerable morbidity including debilitating pain syndromes. Clinical trials of tofacitinib have suggested it may increase the risk of HZ. Although unclear, the mechanism may involve reduced CD4 T-cell function and interference of interferon signalling. Following approval of tofacitinib in the US in 2012, real-world data from Medicare (2006–2013) and from the US longitudinal database, Marketscan, (2010–2014) were analysed. A total of 2526 patients who...
PK profile of TOF is rapid absorption and elimination with time to max concentration 0.5-1 hour and terminal half-life at 3 hours. It is currently approved for immediate release (IR) 5 mg BID, 10 mg total; however, decreasing the dosage to QD dosing may help increase compliance. This study performed in 24 healthy males compared the PK of XR and IR TOF under both single and multiple dose conditions and evaluated the effect of a high-fat meal on the PK of XR TOF. There were no clinically important...