A Retrospective Study of the Efficacy of JAK Inhibitors or Abatacept on Rheumatoid Arthritis-Interstitial Lung Disease

Inflammopharmacology. 2022. Epub ahead of print doi: 10.1007/s10787-022-00936-w

This study of the effectiveness of JAKinibs or abatacept in patients with RA-interstitial lung disease (RA-ILD) shows that treatment is related to stability or improvement of RA-ILD in over 80% of patients.

January 2022

This post hoc analysis of pooled data from 21 clinical trials in the tofacitinib clinical trial programme highlights the importance of identifying known risk factors of RA-interstitial lung disease (ILD) in clinical practice.Citera, et al. investigated incidence rates of ILD – an extra-articular manifestation of RA – in patients with RA, receiving tofacitinib 5 or 10 mg BID and sort to identify potential risk factors for ILD in these patients....