The results of this study show that anti-IL-12/23, JAK inhibitors, and anti-TNF-α were associated with slightly higher risk of MACE compared with placebo. The risk was no different between biologic treatments, and the magnitude of risk did not differ between IMID type.

September 2023

Phase 2a study assessing the efficacy and safety of tildrakizumab in patients with active AS fails to meet the primary endpoint.

May 2023

A prospective observational study showed that recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) immunogenicity is not impaired in RA patients on JAK inhibitors or anti-cellular bDMARDs.

April 2023

Retrospective cohort study results suggest that treatment with tofacitinib, and perhaps other JAK inhibitors, may provide a benefit in reducing the risk of developing RA-Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD).

January 2023

This post-hoc analysis of 31 clinical trials in ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis concludes that combined influenza adverse event incidence rates were highest in ulcerative colitis, while in each indication they were generally similar across tofacitinib, placebo, and comparator groups.