Anti-TNF Tedavisine Refrakter Aktif Romatoid Artrit Hastalarında Sirukumab Etkinliği ve Güvenliliği (SIRROUND-T):Randomize, Çift Kör, Plasebo Kontrollu, Paralel Grup, Çok uluslu, Faz 3 Çalışma
Lancet 2017;pii:S0140-6736(17)30401-4
In this Phase 3 multicentre, randomised controlled trial in patients with active RA who were refractory or intolerant to previous biological treatment with at least one TNF inhibitor, sirukumab 50 mg every four weeks (Q4W) or 100 mg every two weeks (Q2W) was well tolerated and significantly improved signs and symptoms of disease.Patients were randomised 1:1:1 to placebo (n=294), sirukumab 50 mg Q4W (n=292) or sirukumab 100 mg Q2W (n=292), while continuing any concomitant DMARDs. Of the 878 rando...