Bimekizumab versus adalimumab in plaque psoriasis

N Engl J Med 2021; 385:130–41. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2102388

Bimekizumab was noninferior and superior to adalimumab with respect to PASI 90 response and IGA score at Week 16. Bimekizumab is a promising IL-17A/F inhibitor that has shown clinical improvement in PsO patients compared to placebo and other IL inhibitors. Warren et al. compared the safety and efficacy of bimekizumab with adalimumab in a 56-week double-blind trial.

February 2021

Bimekizumab therapy was associated with a rapid and sustained improvement in PASI response and IGA score in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Dual inhibition of IL-17A/F with bimekizumab can affect a more durable response in PsO patients than sole IL-17A inhibition. Gordon et al. compared the safety and efficacy of two different maintenance dosing schedules, in addition to the effects of treatment withdrawal in the 52-week BE READY trial.

Bimekizumab was more efficacious than ustekinumab and placebo in the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Previous bimekizumab Phase 2 clinical studies have shown both rapid and durable clinical improvements in skin clearance, as well as a safety profile in line with expectations from this MoA. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of bimekizumab in moderate to severe plaque PsO over 1 year compared with both placebo and ustekinumab.