Results of this analysis by Blauvelt, et al. showed a low adjudicated suicidal ideation and behaviour (SIB) rate of 0.13/100 patient-years for bimekizumab, consistent with general psoriasis population ranges. Bimekizumab did not increase the risk of SIB compared to other anti-IL-17A/anti-IL-23 therapies.

June 2024

Deucravacitinib onset of action and maintenance of response in Phase 3 plaque psoriasis trials

J Dermatolog Treat 2024;35:2371045 doi: 10.1080/09546634.2024.2371045

The analysis of the POETYK PSO-1 and POETYK PSO-2 clinical trials showed that deucravacitinib 6mg QD displayed efficacy as early as 1 week, and clinical responses were maintained over 52 weeks in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

September 2023

The majority of patients receiving persistent risankizumab therapy achieved clear or clear/almost clear skin at 12 months and patients reported significant reductions in DLQI scores, PROs (fatigue, skin pain, overall itch), and work and activity impairment.

October 2022

Guselkumab (GUS) demonstrates better skin efficacy than most other targeted PsA therapies, including upadacitinib. The objective of this NMA update was to expand the network to include all targeted therapies in PsA on arthritis, skin efficacy and safety, and to include data on GUS patients with an IR to TNFinibs.

July 2022

Deucravacitinib has shown efficacy in the treatment of both skin and joint disease. As a result, researchers sought to compare the efficacy and safety of deucravacitinib versus placebo and apremilast in adults with moderate to severe plaque PsO.

Bimekizumab versus adalimumab in plaque psoriasis

N Engl J Med 2021; 385:130–41. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2102388

Bimekizumab was noninferior and superior to adalimumab with respect to PASI 90 response and IGA score at Week 16. Bimekizumab is a promising IL-17A/F inhibitor that has shown clinical improvement in PsO patients compared to placebo and other IL inhibitors. Warren et al. compared the safety and efficacy of bimekizumab with adalimumab in a 56-week double-blind trial.

February 2021

Bimekizumab was more efficacious than ustekinumab and placebo in the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Previous bimekizumab Phase 2 clinical studies have shown both rapid and durable clinical improvements in skin clearance, as well as a safety profile in line with expectations from this MoA. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of bimekizumab in moderate to severe plaque PsO over 1 year compared with both placebo and ustekinumab.

January 2017

Patients treated with guselkumab showed an improved and sustained clinical response compared to both adalimumab and placebo, without compromising safety profile. The Phase 3 VOYAGE 2 trial by Reich et al focused on treatment interruption and withdrawal, as well as treatment switching from adalimumab to guselkumab.

October 2015

Phase 3 studies comparing brodalumab with ustekinumab in psoriasis

N Engl J Med 2015;373:1318–28. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1503824

Brodalumab treatment resulted in a rapid reduction in the signs and symptoms of PsO. The median time to a PASI 75 response with 210 mg of brodalumab Q2W was 4 weeks, approximately twice as fast as the median time to a response with ustekinumab.