トシリズマブ単剤またはメトトレキサート併用で治療された関節リウマ チ患者において、寛解達成後のトシリズマブ休薬: 前向き無作為化試験結果 (SURPRISE試験2年目)
Ann Rheum Dis 2018; 77:1268–1275 DOI: 10.1093/rheumatology/key121
The second-year results from the SURPRISE study show that low disease activity (LDA) can be maintained after discontinuation of tocilizumab with continued methotrexate after remission is achieved. Discontinuation of biologic agents in patients who have achieved remission or low disease activity (LDA) is desirable from a risk–benefit point of view. Compared with TNF inhibitors, little is known regarding TCZ-free remission or LDA, but studies indicate that only a small proportion of patients remai...