メトトレキサート未治療日本人関節リウマチ患者におけるウパダシチニブ単剤対メトトレキサート単剤: フェーズ3 SELECT-EARLY 試験のサブ解析
Mod Rheumatol 2021;26:1–16.
In this sub-analysis of the Phase 3 SELECT-EARLY study, UPA demonstrated clinical efficacy superior to placebo in the Japanese subpopulation. Along with a favourable efficacy observed with the Japan-specific 7.5 mg dose of UPA for all secondary endpoints. SELECT-EARLY was designed to study the safety and efficacy of UPA 15 and 30mg as monotherapy, but it also included a subset of 138 Japanese patients, 40% of whom were randomised to receive UPA 7.5mg. This was designed to meet the requirements o...