メトトレキサート無使用またはわずかな使用歴の活動性関節リウマチ患者におけるメトトレキサート併用フィルゴチニブ, フィルゴチニブ単剤, メトトレキサート: フェーズ3, 無作為化コントロール対照FINCH 3 試験
Ann Rheum Dis. 2021 Jan 15:annrheumdis-2020-219213.
Filgotinib doses in combination with MTX have shown improved signs, symptoms and physical function in patients with RA and limited or no prior MTX exposure. FIL 200mg monotherapy did not have a superior ACR20 response rate versus MTX. This 52-week, phase 3 study evaluated FIL in 1252 patients with RA. Patients were randomised to FIL 200mg + MTX or FIL 100mg + MTX, FIL 200 mg monotherapy, or MTX monotherapy. The primary endpoint was the proportion patients achieving ACR20 at week 24. Safety was e...