メトトレキサートに効果不十分な関節リウマチ患者におけるFilgotinib 対 Placebo 対 Adalimumab: フェーズ III 無作為化臨床試験
Ann Rheum Dis. 2021 Jan 27:annrheumdis-2020-219214
Filgotinib improved RA signs and symptoms, physical function, and inhibited radiographic progression. FIL 200mg plus MTX, but not FIL 100mg plus MTX showed non-inferiority to ADA plus MTX, based on DAS28(CRP) low disease activity. FIL was also well tolerated in RA patients with inadequate response to MTX.This 52-week, phase 3 randomised clinical trial (FINCH 1) evaluated the efficacy and safety of FIL in patients with RA randomised to FIL 200 or 100mg, ADA 40mg, or placebo, all with background M...