Bimekizumab therapy was associated with a rapid and sustained improvement in PASI response and IGA score in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Dual inhibition of IL-17A/F with bimekizumab can affect a more durable response in PsO patients than sole IL-17A inhibition. Gordon et al. compared the safety and efficacy of two different maintenance dosing schedules, in addition to the effects of treatment withdrawal in the 52-week BE READY trial.

December 2021

Pivotal trial data show that tofacitinib is an effective treatment in patients with polyarticular course juvenile idiopathic arthritis (pJIA).New oral therapies are particularly relevant for children and adolescents, who might prefer to avoid injections. To this end, Ruperto, et al. assessed the efficacy and safety of tofacitinib versus placebo in patients with pJIA (N=225). They observed a JIA flare rate at Week 44 of 29% and 53% for tofacitinib and placebo, respectively. Safety results were si...

August 2021

バリシチニブの関節性肺疾患に対するリスク: 治験症例の報告

Rheumatol Ther. 2021 Jun 28. DOI: 10.1007/s40744-021-00332-w

Findings from a descriptive clinical case report from clinical trials show that patients with RA, treated with baricitinib, are at low risk to developing non-infectious interstitial lung disease (ILD) during treatment.Salvarani, et al. used a descriptive, multicentric, retrospective cohort study of eight randomised trials and one long-term extension study to estimate the number of incident ILD cases reported. Their findings showed that the risk of developing non-infectious ILD during baricitinib...

March 2021

Analysis from the US Corrona RA registry has provided the longest-term real-world safety data for a JAK inhibitor to date. The analysis showed that the cohorts had similar adverse events, except for higher herpes zoster rates for tofacitinib initiators vs bDMARDs.Kremer JM, et al. analysed adult patients with RA newly initiating tofacitinib, or a bDMARD, to compare incidence rates of MACE, SIEs, HZ, malignancies and death. VTE data were also collected prospectively and assessed descriptively thr...

February 2021

MRI studies have shown that BARI reduces joint inflammation and damage in patients with moderate-to-severe active RA. This review summarises the effects of BARI on structural joint damage progression and the mechanisms underlying these effects, using MRI data from across the clinical trial program. Early preclinical animal models showed a significant reduction in joint inflammation, ankle width, and bone resorption. Efficacy and safety of BARI have been confirmed in an extensive programme, inclu...

January 2021

Considering the multi-domain nature of PsA, effective treatments must demonstrate efficacy across a range of clinical and patient-reported outcomes. Dermatologic symptoms often precede rheumatic manifestations in people with PsA, typically by 10 years. Tofacitinib demonstrated significant improvements across a range of outcomes including burdensome dermatologic symptoms. This post hoc analysis included data from two double-blind, Phase 3 studies in patients with active PsA and an inadequate resp...