Tofacitinib avec les Antirhumatismaux Modificateurs de la Maladie Conventionnels chez les Patients d’origine Chinoise avec une Polyarthrite Rhumatoïde : Résultats Rapportés par les Patients d’un Essai Randomisé Contrôlé de Phase 3
Int J Rheum Dis 2018; 21(2):402–14
This Chinese sub-population of patients with RA from ORAL Sync reported significant improvements in patient-reported outcomes (PROs), which were maintained up to 12 months from tofacitinib (TOF) treatment initiation. ORAL Sync was a randomised, Phase 3 study investigating TOF therapy in combination with csDMARDs in patients with active RA who had previously had an inadequate response to csDMARDs. To date, this is the only Phase 3 study of TOF in patients from China with RA. This analysis include...