Smolen, et al. provide a 2022 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of RA with synthetic and biological DMARDs.


Sepriano, et al. provide results of a systematic literature review (SLR) on the safety of synthetic and biological DMARDs, to inform the 2022 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis.


Kerschbaumer, et al. provide results of a systematic literature review (SLR) on efficacy of synthetic and biological DMARDs, to inform the 2022 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis.


November 2022

New evidence supports the efficacy and safety of TNFi (originators/biosimilars) and IL-17i in r-axSpA and nr-axSpA. This systematic literature review was conducted to inform the taskforce of the 2022 update of the ASAS-EULAR recommendations.


Recommandations ASAS-EULAR pour la prise en charge de la spondylarthrite axiale : mise à jour 2022

Ann Rheum Dis 2022; online ahead of print doi:10.1136/ard-2022-223296

Since the last update in 2016, more data have become available on existing treatment options for axSpA, and particularly on IL-17i. The increasing availability of more drugs and with different modes of action raises questions around their positioning in the treatment pathway. This review sought to update the 2016 recommendations with newly available evidence.


Non-pharmacological interventions are important for any rheumatic disease, but especially axSpA, where they represent the cornerstone of treatment. The aim of this study was to produce a systematic literature review on efficacy and safety of non-pharmacological and non-biological pharmacological treatments was performed.


August 2022

May 2022

Traitement de la spondyloarthrite axiale : une mise à jour

Nat Rev Rheumatol. 18, 205–216 (2022) 2022 doi: 10.1038/s41584-022-00761-z

In this review Danve and Deodhar report an update on modern axSpa treatment. They found that in the past two decades substantial progress in the diagnosis and management of axSpA has been witnessed. Whilst ASAS classification criteria have enabled earlier diagnosis the increased availability of novel therapies, evolving drug safety data and novel clinical trials have allowed clinicians to rethink the placement and timing of drugs in disease management.
