Comparaison des effets du baricitinib et du tocilizumab sur l'activité de la maladie chez les patients atteints de polyarthrite rhumatoïde : une analyse par appariement des scores de propension
Clin Rheumatol. 2021 Jun 16. DOI: 10.1007/s10067-021-05815-3
The influence of inflammation on patient global assessment (PGA) improvements differs between baricitinib and tocilizumab differs. Adequate PGA improvement remains one of the unmet needs in current RA treatment.Asai, et al. compared the effects of baricitinib and tocilizumab on disease activity in patients with RA while investigating the influence of inflammation on PGA improvement.Using data from a multicentre registry, 48 propensity-matched pairs of patients, who had been observed for longer t...