Surveillance ORAL et innocuité des inhibiteurs de JAK : la théorie de la relativité

Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2022. Epub ahead of print doi: 10.1038/s41584-022-00767-7

Putting the data into context, Winthrop, et al. conclude that the ORAL Surveillance data are not dissimilar to those from the original developmental programme, which suggested additional safety concerns at the 10 mg dosage and that resulted in the 5 mg twice daily dosage as the approved dose for RA.Following the recent results of the ORAL Surveillance (ORALSURV) study, and the consequent changes to the utilisation of JAKinibs, made by the regulatory authorities, Winthrop, et al. aim to put the O...

February 2022

Post-hoc analysis shows that dosing up from tofacitinib 5 to 10 mg BID is associated with improved efficacy for up to 12 months, versus staying on 5 mg BID, and dosing down from 10 to 5 mg BID is not generally associated with a significant loss of efficacy.Although clinical trials have generally shown no significant differences, in terms of efficacy and safety, when switching tofacitinib dose up or down, these per-protocol switches are not directly informative for clinical decision-making in dai...