The majority of patients receiving persistent risankizumab therapy achieved clear or clear/almost clear skin at 12 months and patients reported significant reductions in DLQI scores, PROs (fatigue, skin pain, overall itch), and work and activity impairment.

The results of the meta-analysis show that TNFi, IL-17i, and JAK inhibitor treatments significantly improved sacroiliac joint SPARCC scores in patients with axSpA or AS at Weeks 12–16. However, there were no significant differences in mean improvement between the treatment groups.

December 2023

This systematic literature review and network meta-analysis provides evidence for bimekizumab being an efficacious option in the management of both b/tsDMARD-naïve and experienced patients across the axSpA spectrum, with similar safety and tolerability to existing treatments.

Psoriatic arthritis clusters, obtained by machine learning (ML) analysis of pooled data from the FUTURE, MEASURE, and MAXIMISE trials, indicate phenotypical heterogeneity of patients with PsA and axial manifestations and overlapping features across the spondyloarthritis spectrum. Here, Baraliakos, et al. sort to identify distinct clinical clusters, based on patient demographics and baseline clinical indicators, from the secukinumab clinical development programme.

Rates of MACE and VTE events in patients with RA or PsA treated are consistent across 15 mg and 30 mg doses of upadacitinib, and comparable with active comparators adalimumab and MTX. Several risk factors were also identified for MACE and VTE events in patients with RA.

Rates of malignancy were similar between upadacitinib, adalimumab, and MTX. They were also consistent across RA, PsA, AS and nr-axSpA. A dose-dependent increased rate of NMSC was observed with upadacitinib in RA. For RA and PsA, being older (≥65 years) and male was associated with
an increased risk of malignancy excluding NMSC.

November 2023

In this post hoc analysis by Deoodhar, et al., the authors found that tofacitinib demonstrated greater efficacy than placebo in bDMARD-naïve and TNFi-IR AS patients. They also found that safety event rates for tofacitinib therapy were numerically higher in the TNFi-IR subgroup than the bDMARD-naïve subgroup.

Real-world data from the PsABio study indicated that females with PsA had more severe disease than males before the initiation of treatment. While both genders experienced treatment related improvements, fewer females than males were able to achieve a favourable disease state within 12 months. Treatment discontinuation and switching were also higher in females than males, due to lower efficacy and adverse events.      

October 2023

The ContRAst 3 study investigated otilimab, in RA patients with inadequate responses to multiple treatments. Otilimab did not significantly improve ACR20 versus placebo at Weeks 12 or 24. In addition, there we no significant improvements in secondary endpoints, including disease activity, disability, and pain.


Fleischmann, et al investigated the safety and efficacy of otilimab versus tofacitinib and placebo in RA patients treated with MTX (contRAst 1) or csDMARDs (contRAst 2). They found that while otilimab achieved the primary endpoint of ACR20 versus placebo in Week 12, it did not demonstrate non-inferiority to tofacitinib.