This study reports that the PsAID-12 total score and individual PsAID items capturing disease concepts important to patients with PsA demonstrated robust psychometric properties.

Bimekizumab was well tolerated in patients with PsA and TNFi-IR up to 52 weeks, with a safety profile consistent with that observed in prior studies. This study aimed to assess 52-week safety and efficacy of bimekizumab in patients with active PsA and prior IR/intolerance to TNFi.

December 2023

Psoriatic arthritis clusters, obtained by machine learning (ML) analysis of pooled data from the FUTURE, MEASURE, and MAXIMISE trials, indicate phenotypical heterogeneity of patients with PsA and axial manifestations and overlapping features across the spondyloarthritis spectrum. Here, Baraliakos, et al. sort to identify distinct clinical clusters, based on patient demographics and baseline clinical indicators, from the secukinumab clinical development programme.

June 2023