分子標的療法に効果不十分の関節リウマチ患者における抗GM-CSFオチリマブ対サリルマブまたはプラセボ: フェーズ III 無作為化試験 (contRAst 3)

The ContRAst 3 study investigated otilimab, in RA patients with inadequate responses to multiple treatments. Otilimab did not significantly improve ACR20 versus placebo at Weeks 12 or 24. In addition, there we no significant improvements in secondary endpoints, including disease activity, disability, and pain.

In this 24-week, phase III trial by Taylor, et al., patients received otilimab, sarilumab, or placebo in addition to conventional RA medications. Otilimab did not demonstrate non-inferiority to sarilumab in any disease activity measure.