若年性特発性関節炎に対するバリシチニブ: 国際的, フェーズ 3, 無作為化, 二重盲検, プラセボ対照, 休薬, 有効性, 安全性臨床試験
Lancet. 2023;402(10401):555–570 doi 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)00921-2
Phase 3 trial of baricitinib demonstrates efficacy with acceptable safety profile in polyarticular and extended oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis, juvenile psoriatic arthritis and enthesitis-related arthritis.
Improvements in multiple disease activity and HRQoL measures, such as JADAS-27 and CHQPF50 Physical and Psychosocial summary scales, respectively, were observed. These exceeded those of patients who were exposed to placebo.
In addition, the safety profile observed was consistent with that found in adult patients. These findings indicate a favourable risk-benefit balance for baricitinib in juvenile idiopathic arthritis, suggesting baricitinib offers a once-daily oral therapeutic alternative to available therapies.