Eficácia e Segurança de Bimekizumabe em Pacientes com Artrite Psoriásica Ativa: resultados de três anos de um estudo de fase IIb randomizado controlado e seu estudo de extensão aberto

This study highlighted that the safety of bimekizumab in patients with PsA over 3 years of treatment was consistent with the previous 48-week results, as well as other recently published studies of IL-17 inhibitors in PsA patients.

Investigators aimed to describe the long-term safety, tolerability, and efficacy of up to 3 years of treatment with bimekizumab in adult patients with PsA from the BE ACTIVE trial. Furthermore, high thresholds of disease control were achieved within the first year of treatment and sustained through 3 years. The present study supports the further development of bimekizumab to address an unmet need for improved and sustained efficacy on skin and joint disease in patients with PsA.