活動性強直性脊椎炎患者におけるビメキズマブの安全性と有効性: フェーズ2b 無作為化対照試験とそのオープンラベル試験の3年結果

Bimekizumab is associated with sustained, long-term efficacy in r-axSpA patinets across three years of treatment. In coming to this conclusion, investigators sought to assess the long-term safety, tolerability, and efficacy of bimekizumab in active r-axSpA.

As part of this investigation, patients with active r-axSpA completing the dose-ranging
48-week BE AGILE randomized controlled trial could enrol in the open-label extension, in which patients received bimekizumab 160 mg every 4 weeks. Safety and efficacy results were presented through 156 weeks.

Safety profile of bimekizumab was consistent with previous reports, with no new safety signals identified. Overall, these results support bimekizumab as a promising potential treatment option in r-axSpA.