Comparação da retenção com o medicamento dos inibidores de TNF, outros biológicos e inibidores JAK em pacientes com AR que descontinuaram uma terapia com inibidor JAK

Real-world population-based study shows that a switch to a second JAKinib results in a higher drug retention, as compared to switching to a TNFi, in patients with RA who discontinue original JAKinib therapy.

Although guidelines recommend a switch to TNFi or JAKinib, moderate-to-severe RA who failed first-line therapy with methotrexate, there is a lack of evidence-based data to support any subsequent switching.

To help address this, Amstad, et al. undertook an observational prospective cohort study, using data within the Swiss RA registry, to compare the real-world effectiveness of treatment with a TNFi , another JAKinib or a bDMARD with another mode of action in RA patients after discontinuation of JAKinib treatment.