Eficacia de Baricitinib en pacientes con artritis reumatoide moderada a severa con 3 años de tratamiento: resultados del estudio a largo plazo

Three year follow up data for baricitinib demonstrated efficacy in populations that span the clinical disease continuum in RA, including DMARD-naïve, MTX-IR, csDMARD-IR, and bDMARD-IR and was well tolerated. This study evaluated achievement and maintenance of LDA, remission and physical functioning in patients treated with baricitinib for up to 3 years. Data were analysed from two 52-week, Phase 3 studies (RA-BEAM and RA-BEGIN), and one ongoing long-term extension (RA-BEYOND). Patients completing Phase 3 were switched to open-label baricitinib 4 mg monotherapy or baricitinib 4 mg + MTX in the extension. In this analysis, achievement of LDA, remission and HAQ-DI were assessed. LDA and clinical remission are the main goals outlined in RA treatment recommendations. At Week 148, LDA (SDAI ≤11) was achieved in up to 61% of DMARD-naive patients and 59% of MTX-IR patients initially treated with baricitinib. Remission (SDAI ≤3.3) was achieved in up to 34% of DMARD-naive patients and 24% of MTX-IR patients. Physical functioning assessment (HAQ-DI ≤0.5) reached in up to 48% of DMARD-naive patients and 38% of MTX-IR patients initially treated with baricitinib.Overall, discontinuation rates were similar in the two populations, and treatment with baricitinib 4 mg was well tolerated for up to 3 years.