Cytokine Signalling Blockade: Interactions and Outcomes

Cytokine Signalling Blockade: Interactions and Outcomes
This symposium is independently developed by the Forum and sponsored by Lilly.

Release date: 30 July 2021
Estimated time to complete activity: 1 hour 30 minutes
Compatible with all modern internet browsers and mobile devices

After completing this activity, the learner will:

  • Understand the JAK-STAT pathways and the downstream effects of different pathways

  • Understand the mechanisms of action of cytokine signalling inhibitors approved and under investigation

  • Understand clinical outcomes of blockade of different pathways and if any clinically relevant differences with different mechanisms

This activity is designed for qualified rheumatologists of all levels of seniority, and other healthcare professionals involved in treating patients with inflammatory disease.

JAK inhibitors are advancing treatment and management options across immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. To understand the science of cytokine signalling and the effects of blocking different pathways, join us for this symposium at the 2021 EULAR annual conference. This session explains the JAK-STAT pathway and describes the mechanism of action of agents – both those approved and under investigation. The speakers examine the clinical outcomes of JAK inhibition and invite you to submit your own questions in a live interactive discussion session.

In this activity, Cytokine Signalling Blockade: Interactions and Outcomes, international experts will discuss the key clinical outcomes and concepts of JAK inhibitors.

CESAS Medical requires faculty, presenters, planners, managers, writers, and any other individuals who are in a position to influence the content of this activity to disclose any real and/or apparent conflict of interest (COI) they may have as related to the content of this activity. All identified COI are thoroughly reviewed and resolved according to CESAS Medical policy.
